Embedded Control, Communications and Human Machine Interface Systems

From medical devices to factory automation, there are many embedded systems all around us that have changed how we interact with the world. Advanced embedded control, communications and human machine interface (HMI) systems are responsible for delivering responsive and elegant user experiences across a wide range of industries.

In this blog post, we will explore embedded systems in modern technology and the features and functionality required of touchscreen HMI modules to create the next generation of devices, with a look towards the design and engineering challenges that have held back many industry stakeholders.

What are embedded systems?

Embedded systems perform specific tasks with larger machines and devices. There are many types of embedded systems, and they can be found everywhere from industrial machines to medical equipment to aerospace components.

Industrial embedded systems often have an embedded operating system and embedded software to perform specific monitoring and control functions. Similarly, modern medical equipment contains a wide variety of embedded systems for sensors and control mechanisms.

A basic embedded system is a computing system with its own hardware and software that can interact with various input and output devices. Their hardware and software complexities can vary significantly from application to application, ranging from having no user interface (UI) – for example, on devices designed to perform a single task within a mobile embedded system – to complex graphical user interfaces, such as the smart surfaces found in modern aircraft interior controls.

Embedded System Applications

Embedded systems are required in a wide range of industries, including the food & beverage, energy, medical, manufacturing, instrumentation and white goods sectors. Each of these industries has its own unique needs, but all of them require embedded systems that are reliable, efficient and easy to use.

The food & beverage industry requires embedded systems that can withstand harsh environments and provide accurate measurements. Embedded systems in the energy sector must be able to handle large amounts of data and be highly energy efficient. Medical embedded systems need to be small, lightweight and easy to sterilize. And manufacturing embedded systems must be rugged and able to withstand the rigors of the production line.

No matter the industry, embedded systems must be designed with the user, as much as the application, in mind. The best embedded systems are those that are reliable, easy to use and provide a great user experience.

Embedded Systems in Healthcare

Healthcare devices and equipment, such as diagnostic equipment and imaging systems, rely on embedded control systems. Examples of HMI modules and embedded systems working in conjunction include digital flow sensors, magnetic resonance imaging machines, patient monitoring systems, and many more medical devices.

Furthermore, the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) presents new opportunities for embedded operating systems in healthcare. For example, future wearables with real-time operating system capabilities may track health data, such as vital signs, and transmit it to healthcare service providers for instantaneous monitoring and diagnosis.

Embedded Systems & Consumer Product Innovation

The world of consumer products has always looked for ways to deliver increased functionality, however, adapting HMI modules to allow for the integration of more advanced assemblies to industry needs and demands has proven to be quite challenging. In order to meet the needs of next-generation products, embedded system design must include elegant human machine interfaces and effective communication technology, especially for the digital data needs of networked embedded systems, and intuitive controls.

Human Machine Interfaces

Human machine interfaces (HMIs) are essential for allowing users to interact with embedded systems. HMIs can take many different forms, including buttons, touchscreens, keyboards and voice-activated controls.

The best HMIs are those that are easy to use and provide a great user experience. When designing an HMI, there are a few key considerations that must be taken into account. First, the HMI must be appropriate for the specific application. For example, a button may be fine for a simple function, but more complex applications call for smarter HMI touch surfaces that are scalable, reusable, connected and secure. Also, the HMI must be durable and able to meet necessary certification standards.

Integrated HMI Modules

As the world becomes increasingly connected, the need for advanced HMI designs is also on the rise. These advanced HMI modules allow for the integration of more complex features into your HMI assemblies, such as LCD interface technology, data storage and processing, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB connectivity and more. This way, you can meet the growing connectivity demands of all modern interfaces and smart surfaces.

These advanced HMI modules are fully integrated into existing systems, allowing for deep and complete embedding into the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) product. With these modules at your disposal, you’ll be well-equipped to create the next generation of truly connected devices.

Embedded systems provide the computing power needed to make devices and machines smarter and more efficient. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, embedded systems will play an even more important role in our lives.

Communication Technology

One of the most important design aspects of any embedded system is its ability to communicate with other computing systems. Communication and network connectivity can take many different forms, including Wi-Fi, BT5, Ethernet, and RS485. For an embedded system to function properly, it must be designed to communicate with other systems in a variety of ways.

Whether a small-scale embedded system with limited communication needs, or medium-scale embedded systems with more comprehensive communication requirements, effective communication should be a cornerstone of embedded system design.

Intuitive Controls

Embedded systems are everywhere, from the thermostat in your home to the navigation system in your car. They are designed to control the environment around them in order to function properly. Controls can take many different forms, including sensors, actuators and embedded controllers.

The best embedded systems are those that are easy to use and provide a great user experience. In order to achieve this, developers must have a strong understanding of how users interact with their systems. They must also be able to design controls that are simple and intuitive to use. When done correctly, embedded systems can greatly improve the quality of our lives by changing the way we interact with our environment.

Engineering and Design Challenges

When designing sophisticated embedded systems, engineers need to consider scalability, reusability, security, and connectivity as often embedded systems must communicate with other systems and output devices.

Creating a system that is easy to use and provides a great user experience is one of the biggest challenges when designing embedded systems. To create a system that meets these criteria, engineers must clearly understand how the operator will interact with the systems human machine interface (HMI).

To create a reliable system, engineers must develop technological specifications that meet exacting electrical, mechanical, and environmental certifications imposed by both governments and industries.

Embedded systems are changing the way we interact with our environment. These systems are becoming more sophisticated, yet easier to use. As embedded systems continue to evolve, engineers will face new challenges in designing these systems. But, with careful planning and innovation, these challenges can be


The Future of Embedded Devices & Systems

Embedded control systems provide numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, improved safety and convenience with wide-ranging applications for operational improvements in many sectors, including consumer electronics, automotive, healthcare, communications, defense, and industrial technology.

At e2ip technologies, our team believes that customized embedded systems represent an opportunity to greatly improve the utility and user experience in many industry applications.

Our designers and engineers are familiar with HMI control units that would benefit from modern, responsive and elegant designs thanks to our extensive experience in the aerospace, medical, defense and industrial technology sectors.

Contact us today to learn why we are the ideal partner to produce your custom assembly.

How to Secure a Successful Career in Electronics Manufacturing

What’s something that sectors as diverse as education, healthcare, retail, and politics have in common? They’ve all rapidly embraced digital transformation following the COVID-19 pandemic. This has proven to be a silver lining for the electronics manufacturing industry since the need for printed electronics and components has understandably soared.

In fact, since 2020, reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the number of electronic product manufacturing establishments has increased by 4,000. As the demand for IoT devices and wearable technology continues to increase, the need for professionals in this field will continue to grow accordingly.

However, to flourish in this ever-evolving industry, you do need to have a good mix of skills and assets in your professional arsenal. Here are a few of them:

Licenses relevant to the field

Having relevant licenses not only adds credibility to your name but also makes you privy to the advanced training and knowledge that governing societies have. This is a very important asset in a field like printed electronics where advancements and discoveries are made regularly. As explained in Maryville University’s post on electrical engineering, the Professional Engineering (PE) license and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) certification are among the most valuable that a professional in this field can acquire. This is because these licenses are considered a sign of your skill and educational attainment. As mentioned earlier, these licenses can even give you access to special resources like the latest in printed electronics technical literature. If you’re already employed but have yet to pursue these licenses, you can consider asking your team leader as they may help cover any fees required. This shows initiative on your end, which many employers look for.

An understanding of industry trends

It’s never enough to simply be well versed in your own projects. This will only limit your view and prevent you from keeping up with the massive shifts happening in the industry. As such, try to be updated on the trends emerging worldwide. For instance, one of the major tech trends is eco-awareness. In Aarhus University’s review of printed electronics, their team even suggests that non-rigid, flexible electronics may soon need to be biodegradable. Given that plastic and electronic waste are a big factor in global pollution, it will do well for you to familiarize yourself with this pressing concept. By doing so, not only are you addressing an important ecological concern, but you’re also keeping yourself compliant with the preferences of regulators and consumers who are similarly leaning towards more green practices in tech.

Strong communication and collaboration skills

Every day, this industry requires you to create complex elements like PCBs, where even the smallest error in communications can create a massive setback. Unfortunately, a survey by HR Technologist reveals that 57% of employees are not given clear direction and 69% of managers are uncomfortable communicating in general. To prevent this, it’s important for you to strengthen soft skills like communication and collaboration. This means knowing how to speak respectfully, how to explain clearly, and how to listen honestly. By doing so, you’re effectively optimizing a group into a team with a shared goal. What’s more, when you’re able to work well with others, you can gain invaluable insight that you may not have picked up alone. Regardless of whether you’re an entry-level employee or a team leader, having such soft skills will prime you for bigger responsibilities that come with career growth.

Genuine passion for creation

Last but certainly not least, you must have a true passion for your craft. Printed electronics can be a demanding industry, especially since it caters to essential services like healthcare and defense. Without an interest in the industry, your work can get overwhelming. Conversely, a genuine passion can fuel your drive and creativity. This is how we at e2ip are able to create printable electronic solutions like In-Mold Electronics (IME) that are timely and versatile. If you’re just in the industry for the prestige or the money, that will only get your career so far.

At the end of the day, printed electronics manufacturing is poised to become one of the most bustling industries of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. While many will want to pursue a career in this industry, those who understand that a holistic and well-rounded skillset is just as important as technical skills are the ones who will truly stand out. If you have any more questions about printed electronic technologies, e2ip can help.


Rédigé par Rhealyn Janean pour e2ip.com

What is HeatSeal™?

What is HeatSeal™ Technology?

In the manufacturing process of human machine interfaces (HMI) and smart surfaces, the methods used to bond materials and components play a critical role by ensuring that the final assembly is protected from environmental factors, such as water, moisture, and chemical ingress. Protection from these environmental factors is essential to maximize the reliability, durability and lifespan of any form of printed electronics.

Traditional, pressure-sensitive adhesives leave a lot to be desired in this regard, as they have been repeatedly shown to lack the lamination and seal strength to withstand common environmental factors.

To overcome these challenges, e2ip technologies drew on its expertise in industrial adhesives for HMI assemblies, including pressure-sensitive adhesives and electrically conductive adhesives, to develop its own proprietary heat sealing adhesive solution: the HeatSeal™ protective barrier.

HeatSeal™ can be applied to almost every Smart Surface solution. Here are a few examples:

Features and Benefits of Heat Sealed Electronics

  • Ingress Protection
  • Moisture Migration Protection
  • Environmental Robustness
  • Permanent seal from outside environment
  • Various thicknesses available
  • Compatible with a wide variety of plastics
  • Various window and graphic options
  • Crack-resistant, blocking silver migration between circuits
  • Chemical-resistant against gasoline, skin oil, and soaps
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent resistant
  • Electrical insulation resistance
  • Rigorously tested
  • Safest method of lamination
  • Able to withstand high pressure variations
  • Salt fog tested
  • Reduces the need for external venting

About HeatSeal™ Technology

Although the name might evoke a flexible packaging industry solution, HeatSeal™ Technology is used for HMIs and other types of circuitry for applications with the highest quality and certification standards in the military, aviation, medical, or automotive industries.

HeatSeal™ protective barrier properties include exceptional lamination strength and protection from harsh environments because the printed electronic layers are thermally bonded together. For high-reliability applications, printed electronics and membrane switches require far more than the basic protection provided by plastic films or thermoplastic films.

Versatile HeatSeal™ Technology was created with this understanding in mind, so HeatSeal™ can be combined with moisture barrier materials for a completely sealed flexible circuit assembly. By adding multiple HeatSeal™ layers added as adhesives within the circuit layer stack, membrane switches, HMIs and smart surfaces can perform in harsh environments, and the products meet the highest certification standards.

The HeatSeal™ Process – Superior Lamination & Adhesive Bond

Using an innovative, proprietary fabrication process, HeatSeal™ achieves outstanding lamination to aid the performance and durability of all types of user interfaces. With an environmentally friendly manufacturing process and rigorous testing, HeatSeal™ remains cost-effective while making huge advances in addressing a major cause of mechanical failure – inadequate sealing. For applications where a pressure-sensitive adhesive fails to meet standards, HeatSeal™ Technology can meet the challenge at hand.

This liquid HeatSeal™ system is applied with a low-waste additive screening process that eliminates many subtractive converting processes, achieving the unlikely combination of low cost and high reliability when bonding circuit layers. Used in end products by our customers across the aerospace, medical, white goods, industrial control, and automotive industries, HeatSeal™ Technology offers the highest level of environmental protection without sacrificing design freedom.

The HeatSeal™ Process – Superior Lamination & Adhesive Bond

e2ip technologies works with a wide variety of customers to conceive, design and produce innovative smart surface solutions. If you would like to learn how HeatSeal™ can help your company overcome product and design challenges, call 1-866-631-6662 to speak with a specialist or contact us online info@e2ip.com

What is In-Mold Electronics?

In-Mold Electronics expands on existing In-Mold Labeling and In-Mold Decorating processes

Before we discuss In-Mold Electronics (IME), the process that enables the production of E2IP’s Smart Molded Parts, we will recognize two processes that have been around for a while. They are In-Mold Labeling (IML) and In-Mold Decorating (IMD). In-mold labeling is the process that creates colours, textures, and graphics for traditional user interfaces.

This idea was carried forward with In-Mold Decorating, a breakthrough that made it possible to apply graphics to an entire surface of an enclosure, rather than simply a limited area.

The In-Mold Electronics (IME) process from industrial design to finished product is made possible through material and manufacturing process breakthroughs.

 With IME, industrial designers now have the design freedom to create elegant three-dimensional human-machine interfaces that were never before possible. Using the design in a two-dimensional format engineers design and print a circuit on a thin plastic film substrate using formable conductive and non-conductive inks.

The manufacturing process begins with the printing of these circuits. This could be a single layer of film or a stack-up of two layers. The pick and place of components is typically the next step. This could include components such as LED’s, passive components and in some cases microprocessor capabilities. The final steps are the thermoforming of the three-dimensional Smart Molded Part and the injection molding. Once the components and inks are aligned on the film, thermoforming can be done by high pressure forming or vacuum forming. After the circuits are checked the formed films are placed in the mold where the resin is then injected between the films enclosing the components to make one single, lightweight, Smart Molded Part that can be attached by screws, bosses, or clips.

Applications & Benefits of In-Mold Electronics

In-Mold Electronics make a whole new world of functionally enhanced products and interfaces possible. With the ability to integrate decorative graphics, lighting, and a host of other features, these Smart Molded Parts of the future are being designed and manufactured to leverage all the benefits and advantages IME provides, including:

  • Greater design flexibility
  • Improved reliability and durability
  • Significant reduction in space and weight
  • Improved touch performance
  • Ease of assembly
  • Sustainability

Quickly gaining popularity in many industries, IME is becoming a crucial component of the next generation of human-machine interfaces, such as:

  • Passenger control units
  • Remote controls
  • Galley insert control panels
  • Cabin management system interfaces
  • Patient monitor systems
  • Home appliances
  • Home security systems

Printed Electronics for Elevated Function and Intuitive User Interactions

Already a popular choice in premium automotive interiors and aircraft cabins, Smart Molded Parts with IME are also enabling the next generation of white goods, consumer products, and medical technology. IME is a truly transformative technology that will span across industries by seamlessly integrating electronics into sleek and stylized surfaces. IME strips away the mechanical buttons found in traditional electronics, giving designers unprecedented freedom to create elegant user experiences through minimalistic interfaces.

IME makes it possible to create interfaces and devices that not only look alluring but are also lightweight, durable and highly functional. Thanks to fewer moving components, this technology can also reduce manufacturing, assembly, and maintenance costs while reducing the chances of malfunctions or failures.

In-Mold Electronics are suited to wide-ranging applications in aerospace design, medical technology, consumer goods, and more. IME represents the future of human-machine interfaces (HMI).

Want to Learn More About In-Mold Electronics?

At E2IP TECHNOLOGIES, we believe that electronics should not get in the way of design freedom. As a leader in smart molded parts, we can help you realize the transformative potential of In-Mold Electronics for your industry. From ideation to fabrication, we help our partners bring their ideas to life. Our certified manufacturing plants in the USA, Canada, and Morocco, create and deliver cutting-edge products with compliance to the highest industry standards. Our talented, multidisciplinary team goes above and beyond to meet and exceed expectations, every time.

Contact us to learn more.

The Benefits Of HMI Systems In The Medical Industry

A Human Machine Interface (HMI) is a user interface that allows humans to operate controllers for machines, systems, or instruments. Some HMI systems convert data into readable visual representations. In the medical industry, HMI systems are particularly important and can help speed up recovery, improve patient monitoring, and even save lives.

4 main reasons why medical HMI systems are important

Here are a few ways you can benefit from HMI systems in the medical industry:

Easy to Clean

In medicine, keeping a clean, sterile environment is of critical importance. HMI systems are constantly being handled and touched, making them the perfect host for germs to breed. Fortunately, HMIs are designed with an easy to clean surface and anti-microbial materials, eliminating the risk of infection. With over 30 years of engineering experience, the HMI products at e2ip technologies  are designed to protect against blood, gel, and other forms of liquids and bacteria, keeping patients safe and extending the life of the product.

High Tolerance to Chemicals

When treating patients, it is common to use chemicals and potent solutions. For many in-house systems, repeated exposure to such chemicals can cause them to break down. At e2ip, we offer durable, long-lasting HMI solutions designed specifically for professionals who use medical products. To improve efficiency, our HMI systems can be operated with the touch of a finger, stylus, or latex glove.

Portable and Lightweight

As the home medical diagnostic market grows, accessible medical devices are becoming of increasing importance. Perhaps one of the greatest features of HMI systems is their portability and ease of operation. HMIs designed by e2ip are thin, lightweight, and ergonomic with the intention of enhancing user experience. No matter the function, each system is designed with clear, universal, and easy to understand symbols for efficient use. This benefits medical professionals, but also gives patients using medical apparatuses at home more independence.

Improved Communication

Through various methods, HMI systems can drastically improve communication in medical environments. Medical professionals can communicate faster and more efficiently to ensure patients get the help they need. HMI systems also allow for “paperless offices,” which help reduce clutter and focus on what is most important: the health and well-being of patients.

Common Applications for HMI Systems in Medicine

  • Patient monitoring systems
  • Kidney dialysis machines
  • Hospital beds
  • Infusion pumps
  • Diabetes monitoring equipment
  • Cardiac defibrillators
  • Surgical equipment
  • Staff communication devices
  • Ambulance switch panel


HMI systems help streamline most medical processes, from calling an ambulance to ensuring a patient gets their treatment on time. At e2ip technologies, we provide highly effective HMI solutions for multiple applications in the medical industry.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how HMI systems can improve your workplace.

In-Mold Electronics Gets Human Touch

As printed electronics become integrated into industrial and commercial products and solutions, the term ‘printed electronics’ is now mainstream. While leveraging printed electronics, e₂ip technologies, has been working in partnership with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) to advance the material science and manufacturing of In-Mold Electronics and with the Communication Research Centre of Canada (CRC) to develop it’s 5G smart surface technologies. This article offers an overview of these technologies.

What is in-mold electronics?

In-Mold Electronics is becoming a common buzzword in the human machine interface (HMI) industry. Understanding the intricacies between the design and the process of producing a finished IME product is not that common, therefore a simplified explanation will help to understand the benefits of the technology.

Industrial design

The IME design begins with the creation of a 3D surface via industrial design experts that have vision and intuition as to how a user interacts with a device. From touch, to lighting, to material selection and integration into its surrounding environment, all these attributes go into creating the desired look and feel. This makes surfaces smarter to simplify our everyday lives.


Once the part is designed in a CAD model stage, the design is recreated in a 2D format. This is the point where the engineer(s) will step in and utilize electronic skills, printed electronic expertise, connector methods, and lighting techniques combined with printing techniques to create a sophisticated version of a circuit board on a thin plastic film substrate utilizing specialized formable conductive and non-conductive inks.


When the circuit and graphic designs are completed the actual manufacturing processing steps begin. The first process step is the printing phase which requires understanding the ink chemistries and print layer stack-ups. In some cases, the overall print stack-up is completed on a single film and in others two films are used.

The second process step includes the pick-and-place of components required to add LED’s, passive components and in some cases microprocessor capabilities. It should be noted that depending on the types of ink used, the pick-and-place step could move to a later point in the process.

The third process step converts the flat printed sheet to its intended 3D user interface shape. All inks along with the components on the film end up being positioned exactly where intended in the final shape of the part. Typical thermoforming methods include high pressure forming and in some cases vacuum forming. The films are trimmed, sometimes before molding and sometimes after molding, and the circuits are function checked. Molding is the final process consisting of placing the formed films in a mold, where the resin is injected between the films to encapsulate all the components. This also provides the part with its rigid structure and a means for attachment via screw bosses or clips.

Finished product

From ideation to fabrication, Montreal-based e₂ip Technologies delivers HMI and smart surface solutions to global market leaders.

IME represents the future of HMI in several industries including but not limited to aerospace, automotive, medical, white goods and industrial. IME offers industrial designers the freedom to create a truly innovative user interface with a smooth curved surface that integrates seamlessly into its surroundings. Finished parts are thin, lightweight, durable, cost efficient and highly reliable. Additionally, they are easy to assemble with a streamlined manufacturing process, lower cost of assembly, and a lower carbon footprint.

e₂ip technologies extended IME offering is called ‘smart molded parts’ and can include capacitive touch switches, various illumination techniques, proximity sensors, printed heaters, antennas, and shielding techniques.

5G Smart Surface

This technology is unique among e₂ip’s printed electronics product offering in that it does not have a human machine interface (HMI) application.

To look at, this technology could not be simpler. An e₂ip 5G smart surface is a fine line pattern printed on a thin, flexible substrate. The design of the pattern predicates the functionality.

Signal Redirection Applications

To start we must recognize the basic properties of millimeter-wave propagation. Due to the short nature of the wavelengths, these signals cannot cover large areas or pass through, buildings, walls, trees or solid structures. Due to this, millimeter-wave 5G networks will always have ‘dead zones’, particularly in dense city configurations. In order to extend coverage to these ‘dead zones’ providers deploy small cell antennas. These antennas require power to operate and considerable resources for installation. 5G smart surfaces are a passive, require no power, and are low cost alternative to replace a proportion of the overall number of small cell antennas required in a 5G network, depending on the network design and requirements.

Because this technology is passive, installation is relatively simple. An e₂ip 5G Smart Surface is applied to a surface and positioned in line of sight of a 5G signal to redirect the signal in a pre-set direction. The surface could be a wall, window, billboard, a painting or a custom panel. The dimensions vary based on design and network requirements.

Different patterns provide different functionality. For signal redirection, the 5G smart surface (reflector) can act as a mirror for a selected frequency and redirect the signal at a specific angle. While the 5G smart surface (diffuser) re-directs the signal in multiple directions. The diffuser technology is used to cover dead zones inside buildings or to enhance the coverage of the 5G Network outdoors in dense cities.

Signal Blocking Applications

e₂ip’s 5G Smart Surfaces can block certain frequencies and ignore all others. This technology can be leveraged to protect the data transmission at a certain frequency from one space to another or act as a shield, preventing certain millimeter-waves from propagating.

Both mechanically and functionally the surfaces can be customized to meet each customer’s specific needs. This technology has been designed and is qualified to perform in harsh outdoor conditions.

By Ron Haag, VP of technology & Julie Ferrigno, R&D engineer, E2IP Technologies

Industrial Operations and the Competitive Edge: Customized Human Machine Interfaces

Highly functional human-machine interfaces (HMIs) are an essential part of modern industrial operations. They are required to effectively execute and manage complex processes. However, the smoothest operations flow requires the right design and integration.

Across industries, the technology used for mission-critical applications must be able to not only withstand the rigorous of harsh environments but also be easy to use for workers – especially if you hope to improve operational efficiency.

For industrial applications, a poorly designed HMI is more than an inconvenience for users; it can bog down operations and cause unnecessary errors that range in severity from minor delays to serious breakdowns, all with major time and cost implications.

In today’s competitive environment, even slight gains in process speed or efficiency can ultimately lead to improved profitability, which can be the cornerstone of significant competitive advantage.

HMI Design Considerations

In order to create interfaces that enhance competitiveness and profitability, a holistic approach is required. Some of the important questions to address include (but are not limited to):

  • What are the required functions of the HMI?
  • Are there environmental considerations?
  • Will the HMI be exposed to potential contaminants or placed in proximity to hazardous substances?
  • Are there government or industry regulatory standards that must be respected?
  • What type of feedback is ideal for end-users?
  • What level of input complexity is required?

Ultimately, HMIs should strike a balance between functional requirement and usability, while offering durability and reliability throughout the anticipated lifespan of the equipment in question.


Our custom-tailored solutions respond to the complex challenges faced by the end-users. Here are just a few examples of how our products have made the lives of our customers easier:

Portable Test Equipment Interface

Our interface is part of the industry-leading non-destructive testing device, the TOPAZ16. This unit facilitates a variety of ultrasonic inspection techniques, aided by an e2ip custom interface that offers best-in-class resolution, glove-friendly operation, and readability in all conditions.

Product Characteristics

  • Highly reactive touch screen offering best-in-class resolution
  • Sunlight readable
  • Glove-friendly

PIN Keypad

Our electronic transaction terminal solutions for gas stations and other harsh environmental applications are certified to meet industry standards and can be easily integrated into any device.

Easily adapted to American, Canadian, and European markets, our fraud-resistant products pass environmental and key activation tests to make sure they are safe for use in all environments.

Product Characteristics

  • Double injection plastic keys
  • Silicone membrane
  • Injection-molded plastic parts
  • Metal plates
  • Anti-fraud layers
  • PCB
  • Polyester circuit
  • Petroleum-resistant materials
  • EMI/ESD shielding

Custom Touch Screens

Our custom touch screens are designed to enhance the user experience while facilitating application management.

We understand that our customers can have widely varying requirements and goals, so no matter what kind of touchscreen is needed for your situation – resistive, armored capacitive, projected capacitive, or armored projected capacitive – we can develop the custom solution to match.

Learn more

E2IP TECHNOLOGIES Customized Interface Solutions

From ideation to fabrication, e2ip technologies develops custom HMI solutions through a team-based approach that unites engineering, design, and material innovation. We specialize in finding creative ways of overcoming the challenges presented by industrial processes in all manner of environments.

Our products are manufactured using robust, high-quality materials, ensuring unrivaled reliability through world-class shock and vibration resistance. Based on customer specifications, we create HMIs for applications ranging from commercial ovens to non-destructive testing equipment to stand-alone industrial machinery and much more.

If you want to learn more about our customized solutions, contact us and a member of our team will contact you shortly.