Rapid GUI Development Tool

Quickly Build a Modern User Experience

The Serious Human Interface™ Platform Total IDE (SHIPTide) is a no-cost, rapid graphic user interface (GUI) development tool enabling the GUI designer to completely specify all aspects of your user interface, including layout, events, actions, and resources (fonts, images, etc.).

SHIPTide exports a binary file called a “cargo”, that is loaded onto the bulk Flash storage of a Serious Integrated HMI Module (SIM). Built-in firmware called “SHIPEngine”, on boot, unpacks and makes the GUI described in the cargo come alive.

Get SHIPTide

All versions of SHIPTide are now downloadable on

SHIPTide v5.2

For new modules, including all SIMx52 and SIMx62 families

SHIPTide v5.1

For older generation 2, 3, and 4 HMI modules, including SIM115/231/243/535/543


Want to jump-start your experience?

Video Training

Do the video-training — the fastest way to get up to speed

SHIP overview

Walk through the SHIP overview for all the basic concepts

Application Notes

Check out the helpful application notes

Documentation Zone

Explore the documentation zone for API references and more